In the Truth About Diabetes: The Natural Diabetes Solution, host Christina Sestan talks with Dr. Youngsoo Kim. In this informative and educational interview, Christina and Dr. Kim discuss the facts about Diabetes and break the myths and misunderstandings of Diabetes.
They also discuss the recent emerging issues surrounding Diabetes, such as the rise in numbers of diabetic children and the effects of pharmaceutical drugs. Dr. Kim takes the opportuntity to share his knowledge of several natural alternatives available to Diabetics


P700 is known to REVERSE diabetes with no side effects. Unlike pharmaceutical drugs and treatments, P700 is a fundamental and long term solution for Diabetics. It offers permanent change, as opposed to temporary control of Diabetes.
In The Truth About Diabetes: The Natural Diabetes Solution, Dr. Kim and Christina Sesten discuss the history and research surrounding P700 and its benefits for Diabetics.

In addition to P700, Dr. Kim also recommends Six Flavor Tea, a traditional Chinese formula. Used for thousands of years, Six Flavor Tea is recognized as an effective treatment for Diabetes.
In The Truth About Diabetes: The Natural Diabetes Solution, Dr. Kim explains where to purchase and how to prepare Six Flavor Tea so that you can try it at home |

All phamaceutical drugs have inherent risks. For example, although diabetic drugs are very valuable for their immediate effectiveness. This effectiveness is short lived. In addition, diabetic drugs have horrible side effects that are often worse than the disease of Diabetes itself.
On The Truth About Diabetes: The Natural Diabetes Solution, Dr. Kim shares his knowledge of the herbs that are beneficial for Diabetes. |

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You can find out more information about the products and other educational films produced by MediReport Group Productions, and how you can become a distributor |