"I am a twice-times Olympian who still trains and competes later in life. Lately, someone gave me a pair of a new revolutionary-type sock that is supposed to help peripheral circulation and stimulate reflex points in the foot, with a total improvement in the physiology of lower leg and overall "less tired" feeling of some 25%*.
So I put them on and tried them out on my usual interval training bush hill climb. This has steep pitches interspersed with flatter areas, then more and steeper pitches and so on. Ideal for training in most sports. The problem is that it starts fairly steep and the first anaerobic (movement without oxygen) minute or so and beyond is painful with lactic acid build-up before the aerobic cycle kicks in, and lactic acid is removed.
To my surprise, the lactic acid phase was cut in half to make my legs less painful and my legs felt particularly good for the whole session. I did this again in the next day, with even better result. Now I wear them about everywhere, and get less leg-tiredness and a nice 'relaxed feeling' in them. I think they would improve performance, just that extra edge, in most sport."
- Dr. Michael Sichel, DO, ND, PhD
"My feet used to be so numb, it was difficult for me to walk. I used to stumble all the time because I couldn't lift my feet from the numbness and my toes would catch on any bumps. It was very embarrassing because I couldn't be sure of my footing.
After wearing Eleotin¢ē Pedo-Protection socks, most of the numbness is gone, and I am enjoying walking again. Now there is no problem, and I feel like I am born again!"
- J. Athorne, Eleotin¢ē Pedo-Protection socks user
* Individual results may vary, depending on training and terrain.